sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016


Marie Curie and Piedrabuena:

     This story begins with the birth of Monico Sanchez, a spanish born man from Piedrabuena. The twists and turns in his life eventually led him to the USA, where he came to invent a high-frequency generator that was later used to fabricate portable x-ray machines. The popularity of these portable x-ray machines led him to make enough revenue to turn his small town into, probably, the first completely electrically-run town. But that is a story for a different day.

     On a seperate path, that would eventually come to intertwine with that of Monico's, was Marie Curie. After her success in the field of radioactivity with radium, she decided her mission was to help in the war effort: convincing many companies to donate trucks and other equipment, she mounted an effort to more effectively save lives in the front lines of battle. An effort that would be dubbed the "Petites Curies." These little Curies were Frances' first military radiology centers: mobile trucks which employed Monico's portable X-ray machines in order to identify location of injuries and shrapnel; allowing field doctors to quickly operate wounded soldiers.

a "Petite Curie"

    After the war, Marie's daughter was awarded recognition; however, Marie herself was not. But you, reader, now know of her efforts, and I think Marie would be satisfied with knowing that the present remembers her and her contributions to mankind.


Marie Curie and her war efforts: https://www.aip.org/history/exhibits/curie/war1.htm

Monico el ingeniero: http://www.microsiervos.com/archivo/libros/el-gran-monico-insolita-aventura-ingeniero-manchego-en-tiempos-de-crisis.html

1 comentario:

  1. Good!
    To me is always surprising that such a relevant character as Monico Sanchez is almost unknown in our country…
